MDTTC COVID-19 UPDATE Dear Club Members, Due to a recent spike in Covid we are asking that if any member of the club has tested
MDTTC COVID-19 UPDATE Dear Club Members, Due to a recent spike in Covid we are asking that if any member of the club has tested
UPDATED DECEMBER 16, 2020 Due to the new Executive Order from Montgomery County, Maryland Table Tennis Center will only be limited to 10 people in
UPDATED DECEMBER 16, 2020 During this COVID-19 Pandemic, MDTTC would like to provide a safe environment and ask that all members be considerate to each
OPEN LETTER TO OUR MEMBERS Dear members, Thank you for your patience as we carefully reopen Maryland Table Tennis Center. At this time for our
Serving table tennis players of all levels & ages since 1992.
Monday through Friday 3-9 pm
Saturday and Sunday 9 am – 5 pm