During this COVID-19 Pandemic, MDTTC would like to provide a safe environment and ask that all members be considerate to each other. We believe our requirements are more stringent than the county or state government, however, visiting MDTTC is at your own risk. Please do follow all government requirements as well.
As the situation changes, we will continuously update this document.
When visiting MDTTC, we ask that you follow the rules below:
- You should not come to MDTTC if:
- You have developed symptoms associated with COVID-19 or are within 10 days from recovering from symptoms.
- You have been exposed to an individual confirmed or presumed infected with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- You have traveled outside of the DMV and have not quarantined for 14 days and have not gotten a COVID-19 test.
- Are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test that was administered no less than 72 hours after returning home after travel outside of the DMV.
- If you have travelled out of state(Outside of the DMV):
- Do not visit the club until you either:
- Quarantine for 14 days and are symptom free
- Complete a COVID-19 test no less than 72 hours after returning home
and receive a negative result
- Notify coaches of your travel.
- Do not visit the club until you either:
- Use hand sanitizer at the entrance to the club and/or wash hands before and after practice.
- Use the thermometer at the entrance to the club to take the player’s temperature upon arrival. Anyone with a temperature higher than 99.5° F cannot enter the club.
- Players should minimize the time they are in the changing area and remember to socially distance.
- Players are to report to their assigned tables directly after washing hands.
- Arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before and leave no later than 5 minutes after the
practice to reduce chance for overlap and crowding in the club - Masks are required at all times outside of the playing court. Parents/family helping
pickup balls in the court should have masks on at all times. - Only 10 people maximum can stay in MDTTC
10. Everyone shall maintain a 6-foot social distance.
11.MDTTC reserves the right to make the final decision for entry into the facility.