- 18761-Q North Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20879, USA
- 301.519.8580
No Phone Entries please!
Registration is not complete unless payment is made prior to the deadline. *** $25 late fee will be charged if your entry payment is not received prior to the deadline ***
Tournament Director: Wang Qingliang Email: wqlwoshi@gmail.com
February 8- 9
March 22-23
May 3-4
June 21-22
August 23-24
October 4-5
USATT Sanctioned Tournaments
Over $1500 cash & prizes
USATT 2-Star Sanctioned Tournaments
Tournament Director: Wang Qingliang
Email: wqlwoshi@gmail.com
To Register :
In Person at MDTTC: drop off the completed Entry Form (pdf) with payment to MDTTC.
Online with credit card : via Paypal at Omnipong.com
By Mail: complete the Entry Form (pdf) with a check payable to MDTTC; must
be postmarked at least one week prior to tournament day
Past Tournament Results, visit Omnipong.com
Serving table tennis players of all levels & ages since 1992.
Monday through Friday 3-9 pm
Saturday and Sunday 9 am – 5 pm